Friday, September 8, 2017

8th Lectures Unit 1

Unit 1 Colonial Settlement  4 Weeks
Lecture 1 - Chapter 2/3
I.               Early English Settlements (p 70 Section 1)
A.     England
1. Lost colony
B.     Jamestown
1.     Virginia Company
2.     Captain John Smith
C.     Economics
1. Farming
D.    Citizenship
1.     Representative government
2.     New arrivals in Jamestown
E.     Religious Freedom (Section 2)
1.     Pilgrims
2.     Mayflower Compact
3.     Help
F.     New Settlements
1.     Citizenship
2.     Conn. and Rhode Island
3.     Conflict
G.     Citizenship
II.             Middle Colonies (Section 3)
A.     England and the Colonies
1.     England takes over
2.     New Jersey
B.     Pennsylvania
1.     Philadelphia
2.     William Penn and Quakers
III.           Southern Colonies (Section 4)
A.     Coming to America
1.     Maryland
2.     Aristocrats and farmers
3.     Mason-Dixon line
4.     Act of Toleration
B.     Virginia
1. Bacon’s Rebellion
C.     Carolinas
1.     Economics
2.     Slave labor
D.    Georgia
1.     Oglethorpe’s town
2.     Changes
E.     New France
1.     Mississippi River
F.     New Spain
Lecture 2 - Chapter 4
I.      Life in the Colonies (Section 1)
A.     New England
1.     Economics
2.     Trade
3.     Middle passage
B.     Middle Colonies
1.     Industries
2.     German immigrants
C.     Southern Colonies
1.     Tobacco and rice
2.     Tidewater and backcountry
3.     Slavery
II.             Government, Religion, Culture (Section 2)
A.     English Colonial Rule
1. English Bill of Rights
B.     Government
1.     Charter colonies
2.     Proprietary colonies
3.     Royal colonies voting rights
C.     Culture
1.     Family
2.     Education
3.     Enlightenment
4.     Freedom of the press
III.           France and Britain Clash (Section 3)
A.     Rivalry
1. Native Americans
B.     Action
1.     Washington’s first command
2.     Albany Plan
IV.            French and Indian War (Section 4)
A.     Brits take Action
1.     Braddock
2.     Britain declares war on France
3.     Pitt
B.     France Falls
1. Treaty of Paris
C.     Frontier
1.     Pontiac’s War
2.     Proclamation of 1763

Lecture 3 - Chapter 5
I.               Taxation without Representation (Section 1)
A.     Relations with Britain
1.     Trade laws
2.     Sugar Act
B.     Stamp Act
1.     Protest
2.     Petition to King
3.     Repealed
C.     New Taxes
1. Townshend Acts
II.             Unity (Section 2)
A.     Trouble in Boston
1.     Boston Massacre
2.     Word spreads
B.     Tea
1.     Demands
2.     Boston Tea Party
3.     Intolerable Acts
III.           Call to Arms (Section 3)
A.     Continental Congress
1.     Delegates
2.     Decisions
B.     First Battles
1.     Troops sent
2.     Alerting the colonists
3.     Lexington and Concord
C.     Military Action
1.     Building forces
2.     Battle of Bunker Hill
3.     Choosing sides
IV.            Moving toward Independence (Section 4)
A.     Colonial Leaders Emerge
1.     Continental Army
2.     Olive Branch Petition
3.     Colonist take the offensive
B.     Independence
1.     Declaration
2.     John Locke

Lecture 4 - Chapter 6
I.               The American Revolution Early Years (Section 1)
A.     Opposing Sides
1.     Loyalists
2.     African Americans
3.     Advantage
4.     Raising an Army
B.     New York
1.     Long Island
2.     Low Point
C.     Patriot Gains
1.     African Americans Join
2.     Victories in New Jersey
D.    British Plan
1.     Brits capture Philadelphia
2.     Patriots Slow the Brits
3.     Saratoga
II.             War Continues (Section 2)
A.     Allies
1.     France
2.     Spain
3.     Valley Forge
4.     Help from Overseas
5.     Money Problems
B.     Home Front
1.     Changing attitudes
2.     Treatment of Loyalists
3.     Equality
III.           War Moves West and South (Section 3)
A.     West
1. Vincennes
B.     Sea
1.     Privateers
2.     John Paul Johns
C.     Struggles in the South
1.     Brit victories
2.     Guerrilla warfare
3.     Spain helps
4.     Victories
5.     Brits retreat
IV.            The War is Won (Section 4)
A.     Yorktown victory
1.     Change in plans
2.     Siege of Yorktown/ Cornwallis
B.     Independence
1.Treaty of Paris/Washington

Cornell Notes
From your assigned text readings


Main Ideas:

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Class: _________________ Period: ________

Date: ____________________________

